24 Lake/ River/ Ponds to Explore in Indonesia

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Lake/ River/ Ponds to Explore in Indonesia

Alas River

Alas River is a river in Aceh in northeastern Sumatra, Indonesia, about 1400 km northeast of the capital Jakarta. It is known for its white water rafting. The banks of the rivers are inhabited by the Gayo and Alas people.

Bintan Blue Lake

A desert-like white sand dune with a beautiful blue lake. Although seems to be naturally made, the sand dunes are the result of sand mining.

Danau Tahai

A beautiful lake located in the village of Tahai, Tumbang Tahai, District Bukit Batu, Palangkaraya. It is located in a greeenish surrounding and is a cool place where we can spend somme vakuable time .

Lake Diatas

Lake Diatas is a lake in West Sumatra, Indonesia. This lake together with Lake Dibawah, are known as the Twin Lakes (Danau Kembar).

Lake Laut Tawar

A beautiful lake which was located in the heart of Aceh and which was attracted by a lot of tourists and is a wonderful sight for the eyes. It is located in a calm and quiet place and is an apt place for picnicking.

Lake Linow

Lake Linow is a volcanic lake located outside Tomohon, near Manado, Indonesia. Several hydrothermal vents spew hot gas from the edges and depths of the lake. The changing chemical composition of the lake means that it changes colors often, ranging from red, dark green, and even to dark blue. The lake is abutted on its sides by Mount Lokon and Mount Mahawu. The lake carries a fairly strong miasma of rotten eggs, due to the sulfur that is often in great quantities in the lake. The word "Linow" der

Lake Maninjau

Lake Maninjau is a large caldera lake with several villages bordering it. The Maninjau caldera was formed by a volcanic eruption estimated to have occurred around 52,000 years ago. It is a great place to relax, experience local rural lifestyle, and watch the sunsets.

Lake Poso

Lake Poso is a lake in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the third deepest lake in Indonesia. The town of Pendolo is situated at the southern end of the lake, the town of Tentena is located at the northern end, while a number of smaller villages dot the shoreline. The lake drains into the Poso River at Tentena, which flows into the Molucca Sea at the town of Poso. it is one of the beautiful lakes in the central Sulawesi and it makes it as a tourist destination.

Lake Ranau

Lake Ranau is a lake in Sumatra, Indonesia. It is one of the water sources for the city and also used for irrigation purposes. Now it is one of the beautiful tourist attractions in Lampung.

Lake Segara Anak

Segara Anak is a crater lake in the caldera that formed during the explosive volcanic eruption of Mount Samalas in 1257. The caldera is next to Mount Rinjani on Lombok Island in Indonesia. "Segara Anak" means "child of the sea" and refers to the blue lake's resemblance to the sea. The volcanic cone Gunung Barujari is at the eastern end of the lake and is responsible for its crescent shape. The lake temperature is 20–22 °C, which is 5-7 °C higher than normal for a lake at its altitude. Hot magma

Lake Sentani

Lake Sentani is a tropical, shallow, and at low-altitude open lake located at the northeast extremity of the Jayapura Regency in the Indonesian province of Papua, about 20 kilometers from the provincial capital, Jayapura City. It is located just to the south of the town of Sentani. The lake, which is considered by the local population as the home of the rainbows, is part of the Cyclops Strict Nature Reserve and contains several endemic species of fish.

Lake Singkarak

Lake Singkarak is a crater lake in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It has an area of 107.8 km², being approximately 21 km long and 7 km wide. It is the widest lake in Sumatra and the second biggest lake on the island, after Lake Toba.

Lake Tamblingan

Lake Tamblingan is a caldera lake located in Buleleng Regency, Bali. The lake is located at the foot of Mount Lesung in Munduk administrative village, Banjar subdistrict, Buleleng Regency, Bali, Indonesia. The lake is one of the three lakes that formed inside an ancient caldera, the other lakes to the east of Lake Tamblingan are Lake Buyan and Lake Bratan.

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a large natural lake in Sumatra, Indonesia occupying the caldera of a supervolcano. The lake is located in the middle of the northern part of the island of Sumatra, with a surface elevation of about 900 metres . The lake is about 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 metres deep. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and the largest volcanic lake in the world. Lake Toba Caldera is one of the nineteen Geoparks in Indonesia, which is proposed to be included in the UNESC

Lake Tondano

Lake Tondano is the largest lake in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The lake is approximately 36 km from the city of Manado and is 600 meters above sea level. In recent years there have been reports of decreasing water levels at Lake Tondano; from 1934 when it was 40 meters, to 1993 to 23 meters, 18 meters in 1996 and 12 meters in 2010. The halfbeak fish Tondanichthys kottelati and calanoid copepod Phyllodiaptomus sulawesensis are endemic to the lake.

Madakaripura Waterfall

200 meters tall waterfall with rainlike streams tumbling down the walls of a cylindrical canyon.

Patenggang Lake

Patenggang Lake is a lake located in the area of natural tourist attractions in the southern Bandung city, West Java, Indonesia, to be exact it is in Ciwidey village. Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, this lake has a very exotic landscape. The lake is spread over an area ofabout 45,000 hectares and the surrounding nature reserve has an area of about 123,077.15 hectares.

Pura Tirta Empul

Hindu Balinese water temple. The temple compound consists of a bathing structure, famous for its holy spring water, where Balinese Hindus go to for ritual purification.

Ranu Kumbolo

Ranu Kumbolo is a mountainous lake located in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java, Indonesia. The lake is part of easiest route from Ranu Pani to Mount Semeru peak. There are hiking camp area around the lake. Ranu Kumbolo is part of easiest route from Ranu Pani to Mahameru peak.

Sekonyer River

Sekonyer is a river in southern Borneo, Central Kalimantan province, Indonesia, about 700 km northeast of the capital Jakarta. Part of the river traverses the Tanjung Puting National Park. Travel on the river is often done by klotok, an Indonesian riverboat. The river includes orangutan habitat. The river is brown and murky. Gold mining takes place along it.

Map of Lake/ River/ Ponds to explore in Indonesia