Umbria - 84 Attractions You Must Visit


About Umbria

The region of Umbria is in central Italy and is an attractive destination for a low-key, pleasant holiday. It is one of the few Italian regions to have no coastline, and its countryside is green and fertile, much of it wooded and hilly. Umbria is often described as a walkers' paradise.

Types of Attractions in Umbria

Activities Around

List of Attractions in Umbria

Alpe della Luna

Alpe della Luna

1 Day Treks

Mountain Peaks

The Alpe Della Luna is a mountainous group of the northern Apennines between the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, Marche. It is part of the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines. The mountain range extends from the southwest to the northeast. The area is part of the Alpe Della Luna Regional Nature Reserve which extends for 1540 hectares with an altitude ranging from about 520 m asl to 1453 m asl, the woods cover 86% of the entire reserve.

Association Rocca Albornoziana

The Rocca Albornoziana is a fortress located on the top of the Sant'Elia hill overlooking the city of Spoleto . This is the main bulwark of the system of fortifications built by Pope Innocent VI , to militarily strengthen and make more evident the authority of the Church in the territories of central Italy , in view of the now imminent return of the papal see to Rome after the seventies. about years of stay in Avignon.

Avignonesi Winery Fattoria Le Capezzine

A unique and organic wine estate based in the heart of the Nobile appellation. Offering an array of varied experiences there is something for everyone! Join us and enjoy life through a glass. Named after the original founders of the estate, the Avignonesi family, the winery has undergone an exciting journey since it was first established. Acquired by Virginie Saverys in 2009, Avignonesi has grown in size and at the same time has become a leader in biodynamic viticulture in Italy.

Baglioni Chapel

The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore houses a chapel entirely frescoed by Pintoricchio, commissioned by Troilo Baglioni, between the end of the summer of 1500 and the spring of 1501. In the chapel is the self-portrait of the artist, a sort of provocative response to the self-portrait of another great artist of Perugian painting Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino: Bernardino figure with the face of three quarters, the features hollowed out and almost suffering but proud.

Basilica di Santa Chiara

The basilica of Santa Chiara is an important place of worship in the historic center of Assisi. The architectural style is Gothic , and closely resembles the almost contemporary upper basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi. The exterior is characterized by three large polygonal buttresses in the shape of large flying buttresses that reinforce the left side of the building.

Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli

The Basilica of Santa Maria Degli Angeli is a church, the Roman Catholic rite, located in Assisi, in the hamlet of the same name, built on project Galeazzo Alessi with speeches by Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola in the second half of the sixteenth century. It has the dignity of a papal basilica and inside there is the Porziuncola, the chapel where Francis of Assisi gathered in prayer, and for this reason the center of Franciscan spirituality.

Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi

The Basilica Superiore, which was built immediately after the lower church and consecrated in 1253, is home to one of Italy's most famous works of art – a cycle of 28 frescoes depicting the life of St Francis. It is a Papal minor basilica and one of the most important places of Christian pilgrimage in Italy. With its accompanying friary, Sacro Convento, the basilica is a distinctive landmark to those approaching Assisi. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2000.

Basilica of Santa Rita da Cascia

The basilica of Santa Rita da Cascia is a minor basilica of Cascia, belonging to the homonymous sanctuary: inside the mortal remains of Santa Rita are venerated. The church, located almost on the top of the Sant'Agostino hill and whose access to the churchyard is allowed by a short staircase, has a facade covered in white travertine from Tivoli set between two spiers , which end with two small bell cells, surmounted by crosses in iron.

Bosco di San Francesco

Bosco di San Francesco

Outdoors - Other

The Bosco di San Francesco is located in Assisi, at the foot of the Basilica dedicated to the Saint who lived and preached in these lands in the thirteenth century, together with his companions, giving life to the Franciscan order. In 2008, the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano, thanks to the donation of Intesa Sanpaolo, acquired 64 hectares of the area, then, in 2011, following reorganization and recovery works, the forest was opened.

Cascata delle Marmore Belvedere Superiore

The Cascata Delle Marmore is a waterfall located about 7 km away from Terni, in Umbria, almost at the end of the Valnerina, the long valley carved by the Nera river. It is a controlled flow waterfall, one of the highest in Europe, being able to count on a total height difference of 165 m , divided into three jumps, inserted in a large natural park. The name derives from the calcium carbonate salts present on the rocks which are similar to white marble.

Cathedral of San Rufino

The Cathedral of San Rufino is the main place of worship Catholic city of Assisi, the mother church cathedral of the Diocese of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino. The church stands in the homonymous square, originally a terrace created in Roman times, perhaps (but there is no documented evidence) the forum of the Roman city of Asisium. The facade is one of the most significant works of the "Umbrian" Romanesque and is comparable with contemporary examples in Spoleto, such as the Duomo and San Pi



Lake/ River/ Ponds

The Chiascio is a river dell ' Umbria , 81.8 km long tributary on the left bank of the Tiber. The river is mentioned, without being named, by Dante Alighieri in Canto XI of Paradise when the Supreme Poet begins the description of the Assisi area : "Intra Tupino and the water that descends from the hill chosen by Blessed Ubaldo" ... where for "The water that descends from the chosen hill" means the Chiascio river. Along the river, in the municipality of Assisi , is the Petrignano Castle , datin

Chiesa di San Fortunato

The church of San Fortunato is located in Todi, in the province of Perugia, in the historic center of the city, near Piazza del Popolo. In June 1292 the church was transformed into a Gothic style. The interior has three naves of equal height, according to the typology of the Hallenkirche, each with an entrance from the facade and doors embellished with historiated bas-reliefs depicting saints, biblical prophets, and floristic ornaments.

Church of Saint Mary of Consolation

Santa Maria della Consolazione is a Renaissance-style pilgrimage church in Todi, Italy. The centralized, symmetric plan, surmounted by a tall dome, distinguishes this Renaissance church, from the more common elongated basilica or Latin-cross designs. The church was built between 1508 and 1607, on the spot where a few years before some miraculous recoveries happened close to an ancient aedicule with pictures representing the Virgin holding the Infant Jesus and St Catherine of Alexandria.

Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Assisi

The so-called temple of Minerva, of Augustan art, rises in Assisi, in Piazza del Comune, probably dedicated to Hercules and erected in 30 BC. It was transformed into the church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva in the sixteenth century, with its bell tower, called "Torre del Popolo". It turns out to be among the best-preserved Roman temples of the ancient world. The building belongs to the typology of the Corinthian prostyle temple "in antis", with fluted columns resting on high quadrangular plinths

Cima del Redentore

Cima del Redentore

1 Day Treks

Mountain Peaks

The Cima del Redentore is one of the highest peaks of the Sibillini mountains, as well as the highest peak in Umbria, being exactly on the border between the regions of Umbria and Marche. There are several paths to follow to reach the top of this peak. The first is the one that goes south from Foce di Montemonaco to Lake Pilato. Once you reach the top of the Cima del Redentore, the panorama, as well as including the Umbrian and Marche hinterland, offers a complete view of the Pilato valley.

Città della Domenica

Città della Domenica

Outdoors - Other

Theme Parks

The Città della Domenica is a wildlife amusement park located in Perugia in Ferro di Cavallo. Inaugurated on 21 April 1963, it was the first amusement park to open in Italy. Huge in size for the time, it spread over several hills of Monte Pulito presenting, immersed in the dense Umbrian vegetation, fairytale reconstructions, wildlife areas, and small mechanical attractions for children.



Lake/ River/ Ponds

The Clitunno is a river that flows in Umbria, a tributary of the Topino. In 2011 UNESCO included the small temple that stands on its banks among the World Heritage Sites. It is born near the route of the Via Flaminia, in Campello sul Clitunno, between Spoleto and Foligno, and runs for 59.3 km passing through Pissignano, Cannaiola, Trevi, and Bevagna, to finally throw itself near Cannara in the Topino river, a tributary of the Chiascio. and therefore sub-tributary of the Tiber.

Colfiorito Regional Park

Colfiorito Regional Park

1 Day Treks

Mountain Peaks

Colfiorito is a mountain hamlet in the municipality of Foligno, belonging to the District n. 7 "Annifo - Colfiorito". Colfiorito rises 760 meters above sea ​​level on a plateau of karst- marshy origin. Of the seven plateaus surrounding Colfiorito, which derive from the drying up of lakes, only one still hosts a swamp where rare species of animals can be encountered.

Concordia Theater

Concordia Theater

Iconic Buildings

Man-made Structures - Other

Notable Architectures

The Teatro Della Concordia in Monte Castello di Vibio, in the province of Perugia, is the smallest Italian theater and one of the smallest historical theaters. It is defined with the slogan "the smallest in the world" as it is the faithful and successful miniature reproduction of the great Italian and European theaters.

Map of attractions in Umbria


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