27 Man-made Structures - Other to Explore in Austria

Checkout places to visit in Austria


Austria is consistently ranked in the top 20 richest countries in the world by GDP per capita terms. The country has achieved a high standard of living and in 2018 was ranked 20th in the world for its Human Development Index.

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Man-made Structures - Other to Explore in Austria

Alpine Club Austria - Simonyhütte

The Simonyhütte is a refuge of the Austrian Alpine Association named after the geographer and alpine researcher "Friedrich Simony. The hut has offered mountain climbers protection and accommodation for 135 years. But the Simonyhütte is more than just a refuge - it is a training center for numerous courses and courses on rock and ice, it is a daily destination for hikers and ski mountaineers and, last but not least, it is an important base for climbing the Dachstein.

Anker Clock

The Anker Clock was created by the famed painter and sculptor Franz von Matsch between the years 1911 and 1914 and represents a typical Art Nouveau design. It is located in the northern part of the inner city in the Hoher Markt.


The impressive wooden structure extends through the treetops of the Sauwald over a length of more than 1,000 meters and up to 15 meters above the forest floor. Experience with your whole family on a circular route in lofty heights unique perspectives in untouched nature. At over 30 adventure stations along the way, you can playfully explore the flora and fauna of the forest in a guided tour or on your own.

Baumwipfelweg Althodis

A wonderful panorama, informative sensory stations and impressive natural habitats can be experienced on the treetop path in Althodis. Located in the middle of the Geschrittenstein-Irottkö nature park and up to 20 meters above the ground, you can find out interesting facts about the local fauna and flora. The treetop path is designed to be completely barrier-free. An unobstructed view of the Hungarian province of Western Transdanubia opens up on eleven observation towers.

Bergisel Ski Jump

The Bergisel Ski Jump, whose stadium has a capacity of 26,000, is a ski jumping hill located in Bergisel in Innsbruck, Austria. The larger hill was first built in 1930 and was rebuilt before the 1964 Winter Olympics for the individual large hill event. It contains ski ramp and sports facilities, public spaces, including a tower-top café and viewing terrace.

Bunkeranlage Ungerberg

The Ungerberg bunker system is a line of defense from the Cold War era , which was built in 1959/60 by the Austrian Armed Forces near the Bruckneudorf barracks . As one of the branches of the Army History Museum , the complex now serves as an open-air museum.

Central Cemetery

The Central Cemetery, which opened in 1874, is much more than just a last resting place. Around two square kilometers in area, it is the second largest cemetery in Europe.Waiting to be discovered here are graves of honor from Beethoven to Falco, fantastic Art Nouveau architecture as well as abundant lush greenery that makes the cemetery a popular local recreation area.


FestungsBahn is Austria’s oldest funicular still in operation today. It has been carrying visitors up to the fortress quickly and safely since 1892. It links the fortress with Festungsgasse, below the northern side of the fortress's walls.

Friedhof St. Peter (Petersfriedhof)

This picturesque cemetery, much of which dates back to the 17th century,located at the foot of the Festungsberg with Hohensalzburg Castle, provides a secluded spot to escape the bustle of the rest of the city. It is one of Salzburg's most popular tourist attractions.

Glockengießerei Grassmayr

Grassmayr Glockengiesserei GmbH has been a bell foundry for more than 400 years and is based in Innsbruck . The family business was once founded by Bartlmä Grassmayr in his father's farm, the Heidenhaus in Habichen, a hamlet in the municipality of Oetz . The company has been one of the largest manufacturers in the world since the 20th century and has supplied bells to around 100 countries.


The Granattor rises an hour's walk above the Lammersdorfer Hütte. The mighty passage, the pillars of which are filled with thousands of precious stones, is one of the most popular hiking destinations around Lake Millstatt. It is one of te iconic attraction in this area and also there you will get astonishing views too.


The Linzer Grottenbahn is a touristic fairytale world on the Pöstlingberg in one of the fortification towers of the Maximilian fortification ring of the city. An electrically powered train in the shape of a dragon called Lenzibald travels on a circular path through the outer ring of the historic fortified tower. During two tours, the niches on the left and the right are illuminated, in which adventures from the dwarf kingdom are depicted. A final passage takes place with festival lighting.


The Kahlenberg is located in the Vienna Woods and is one of the most popular excursion destinations for the city’s residents. This is mainly because of the stunning view afforded by the Kahlenberg. The Kahlenberg is 484 metres high and has a long history. It was given as a gift by Emperor Ferdinand II. to the Camaldolese Order in 1628.


This is a burial chamber beneath the Capuchin Church and monastery in Vienna, Austria. It was founded in 1618 and dedicated in 1632, and located on the Neuer Markt square of the Innere Stadt, near the Hofburg Palace. Since 1633, the Imperial Crypt serves as the principal place of entombment for the members of the House of Habsburg.

KärntenTherme Warmbad-Villach

KärntenTherme Warmbad-Villach serves slide testers, sauna philosophers and wellness lovers as the ideal landing place for thermal fun. It has 25-metre sports pool, Thermal indoor pool with slides, bubble loungers, a grotto, the weather tower and the Crazy River slide.


The LOISIUM World of Wine offers wine lovers exciting background knowledge and a unique wine experience in Langenlois, Austria. The 900 year old wine cellars, a wine store, community spaces and a tasting room merge to form a special symbiosis of tradition and modernity.

Mariahilfer Straße

The Mariahilfer Strasse is a fancy, nineteenth century shopping boulevard in Vienna. In the last decades it became very heavy with traffic.Hundreds of shops line its length of 1.8 kilometers – from flagship stores to boutiques and supermarkets. For young and old, every style and all price ranges, there are the right offers on Mariahilfer Straße.


The valley station of the Mönchsberg lift is on Anton-Neumayr-Platz. With a length of 60 meters, the modern lift takes its passengers up to the Mönchsberg and the Museum der Moderne in 30 seconds. From the viewing terrace, visitors have a wonderful view of the old town. Enjoy the unique view over the roofs of Salzburg, the Museum der Moderne, the restaurant m32, the Wasser.Spiegel - the water world of Salzburg AG and the many walks in the nature reserve.


The Murinsel, is actually not an island at all, but an artificial floating platform in the middle of the Mur river. Mur Island is in the form of a giant sea shell and measures 47 m in length. Two footbridges connect it with both banks of the Mur. The center of the platform forms an amphitheatre. The arty island was the creation of American artist, Vito Acconci who wanted the ultra-modern construction to evoke a giant sea shell.

Museumsbahn Steyrtal

The narrow-gauge Steyrtalbahn ran from Garsten via Grünburg and Molln to Klaus with a side wing from Pergern via Sierning to Bad Hall in Upper Austria . Today it only runs as a museum train on weekends in the summer months, in Advent and around the turn of the year. It leads through beautiful forest and meadow landscapes along the Steyr, one of the cleanest rivers in Austria.

Map of Man-made Structures - Other to explore in Austria