Religious - Other to Explore in Bumthang

Checkout places to visit in Bumthang


One of the beautiful districts in Bhutan. It is the most historic dzongkhag if the number of ancient temples and sacred sites is counted. Bumthang consists of the four mountain valleys of Ura, Chumey, Tang and Choekhor , although occasionally the entire district is referred to as Bumthang valley.

Activities Around

Religious - Other to Explore in Bumthang


Membartsho is a holy site, revered as the place where Pema Lingpa, Bhutan's greatest tertön , discovered several of Guru Rinpoche's terma in the 15th century. The pool in the Tang Valley, near Bumthang in central Bhutan, is known locally as the Burning Lake. The lake is renowned for its beauty, serenity and spiritual significance

Map of Religious - Other to explore in Bumthang