Membartsho - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting

Lake/ River/ Ponds

Religious - Other

About Membartsho

Membartsho is a holy site, revered as the place where Pema Lingpa, Bhutan's greatest tertön , discovered several of Guru Rinpoche's terma in the 15th century. The pool in the Tang Valley, near Bumthang in central Bhutan, is known locally as the Burning Lake. The lake is renowned for its beauty, serenity and spiritual significance

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Attractions Near Membartsho

Jambey Lhakhang

Jambey Lhakhang

8.66km from Membartsho

The Jampa Temple or Temple of Maitreya is located in Bumthang in Bhutan, and is said to be one of the 108 temples built by Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo in 659 CE on a single day, to pin down an ogress to earth forever.

Könchogsum Lhakhang

Könchogsum Lhakhang

8.77km from Membartsho

Könchogsum Lhakhang, also known as Tsilung, is a Buddhist monastery in central Bhutan. The temple was founded, according to the saint Pema Lingpa as far back as the 8th century and in 1039, Bonpo Dragtshel, a tertön, discovered texts which had been buried by Padmasambhava in this location. According to legend, the king of the water deities was said to have risen out of the lake beneath the temple and offered Dragtshel a stone pillar and scroll.

Tamshing Lhakhang

Tamshing Lhakhang

9.03km from Membartsho

Tamzhing Lhündrup Monastery in Bumthang District in central Bhutan is a Nyingma gompa in Bhutan. Its temple and monastery are remarkable for their direct connection to the Bhutanese tertön and saint, Pema Lingpa and his tulkus. It is now the seat of Sungtrul Rinpoche, the current speech incarnation of Pema Lingpa.

Kurjey Lhakhang

Kurjey Lhakhang

9.61km from Membartsho

Kurjey Lhakang also known as the Kurjey Monastery, is located in the Bumthang valley in the Bumthang district of Bhutan. This is the final resting place of the remains of the first three Kings of Bhutan. Also, a large tree behind one of the temple buildings is believed to be a terma that was left there by Padmasambhava.

Ura Lhakhang

Ura Lhakhang

11.36km from Membartsho

Ura Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in Bhutan. The Ura Lhakhang is situated in the middle of Ura village in Bumthang. The temple is about the size of the National library at Kawajangsa Thimphu. It was built in 1986 on the site of an old temple which was in a bad condition. It is a two-story temple constructed in a traditional Bhutanese style and is dedicated to Guru Rimpoche, it also houses three sanctuaries.

Ngala Lhakhang

Ngala Lhakhang

14.85km from Membartsho

Ngang Lhakhang is a Buddhist monastery in the Choekhor Valley of central Bhutan. It is located not for from Draphe Dzong, which was the residence of the Choekhor Penlop who was ruling the valley before the Drukpa conquest in the 17th century. Also known as the "Swan temple", Ngang lies on the right side of the valley. It is a private temple, built in the 16th century by a Tibetan lama named Namkha Samdrip

Discover More Attractions in Bumthang, Home of Membartsho



7 attractions

One of the beautiful districts in Bhutan. It is the most historic dzongkhag if the number of ancient temples and sacred sites is counted. Bumthang consists of the four mountain valleys of Ura, Chumey, Tang and Choekhor , although occasionally the entire district is referred to as Bumthang valley.

Location of Membartsho


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