Jalan Raya Pasir Padi - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting


About Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Pasir Padi Beach is one of the beaches on the island of Bangka. The beach is facing directly into the South China Sea. Has a coastline of 300 meters with calm waves, color white sand and dense. Pasir Padi Beach area is an area of tourism potential in Pangkal Pinang. Visitors from outside the region or abroad, both of which arrived through Depati Amir Airport and the Port of Pangkal Balam, can go straight to the beach.

Hotels near Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Hotels to stay near Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Activities Around

Attractions Near Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Taman Nasional Sembilang

Taman Nasional Sembilang

167.85km from Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Sembilang National Park is a national park covering 2,051 kilometer square along the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. This park is typical of wet land area with various forest ecosystems, fresh water swamps, mangrove forest and mud flats.

Ampera Bridge

Ampera Bridge

183.49km from Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Ampera Bridge is a vertical-lift bridge in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. It connects Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir, two regions of Palembang.

Masjid Agung Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

Masjid Agung Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

183.58km from Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

The mosque is the largest in South Sumatra, and the third-largest mosque in Sumatra after the Grand Mosque of West Sumatra and the Great Mosque of Pekanbaru.

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum

183.65km from Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

The museum is established inside a 19th-century building former of the office of the colonial resident of South Sumatra. The building also houses the tourist department of Palembang. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Museum displays a predictable collection of South Sumatran textiles, weapons, traditional dress, crafts, and coins. The gardens of the museum are filled with artifacts from the Srivijayan period, e.g. statues of Ganesha and Buddha.

Fort Kuto Besak

Fort Kuto Besak

183.88km from Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Kuto Besak, also Benteng Kuto Besak (Indonesian "Kuto Besak Fort") is an 18th-century kraton in Palembang, Indonesia. Kuto Besak was the center of the Sultanate of Palembang before its abolition by the Dutch colonial government

Bukit Siguntang

Bukit Siguntang

187.44km from Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Seguntang Hill is small hill located in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. This hill is home for archeological relics that related to Sriwijaya Empire, during 6th to 13th Century ago. One of the archeological relics that been discovered at this place is a Buddha Statue in 1920.

Discover More Attractions in Bangka Belitung Islands, Home of Jalan Raya Pasir Padi

Bangka Belitung Islands

The name "Bangka" is derived from the word wangka meaning "tin" in Sanskrit, because this region is indeed rich in tin mining. The name "Belitung" is derived from "Billitonite" meaning the Black Meteorite in Dutch, which is commonly found on the island of Belitung.

Location of Jalan Raya Pasir Padi


For more information about Jalan Raya Pasir Padi, visit: https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/bangka-belitung/pasir_padi_beach.html

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