20 Attractions to Explore Near Monte Argentella

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Palazzo Borghese

Palazzo Borghese

1.31km from Monte Argentella

Palazzo Borghese is a mountain in Marche, Italy. One of the risky trekking destination and also it is one of the picturesque locations and also it gives a wide view of this area which is flourished with vegetation.

Monte Porche

Monte Porche

1.84km from Monte Argentella

The upstream Porche is a mountain located in the Marche, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, in the municipality of Montemonaco, which is part of the group Sibillini. The source of the Aso river originates from Monte Porche, which crosses the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo from west to east, towards the mountains and the sea, practically marking the border between them.

Cima del Redentore

Cima del Redentore

3.79km from Monte Argentella

The Cima del Redentore is one of the highest peaks of the Sibillini mountains, as well as the highest peak in Umbria, being exactly on the border between the regions of Umbria and Marche. There are several paths to follow to reach the top of this peak. The first is the one that goes south from Foce di Montemonaco to Lake Pilato. Once you reach the top of the Cima del Redentore, the panorama, as well as including the Umbrian and Marche hinterland, offers a complete view of the Pilato valley.

Lago di Pilato

Lago di Pilato

4.06km from Monte Argentella

The Pilates Lake is a lake mountain deep sea, located in a glacial cirque, on Mount Carrier, in massive and in the Sibillini Mountains National Park at an altitude of 1,941 m above sea level, belongs to the municipality of Montemonaco, province of Ascoli Piceno, in the Marche. Known and often referred to as " the lake with glasses " due to the shape of its complementary and communicating reservoirs in the periods of the greater presence of water.

Monte Vettore

Monte Vettore

4.54km from Monte Argentella

Monte Vettore is a mountain of the Apennines. It is the highest peak of the Sibillini massif. It was one of the best trekking routes in this area and a famous tourist attraction. It is also one of the places where you can find a lot of varieties of flora and fauna.

Monte Sibilla

Monte Sibilla

4.85km from Monte Argentella

The Monte Sibilla is a mountain relief in the group Apennines of Sibillini. It takes its name from the Apennine Sibyl, the mythical inhabitant of the cave of the same name, which for centuries veils the height of an aura of legend and mystery. Administratively it is located in the municipality of Montemonaco and partly in that of Montefortino, respectively belonging to the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo, the whole territory is located in the Sibillini National Park. On the mountain, there

Passo Cattivo

Passo Cattivo

6.06km from Monte Argentella

The Bad Pass is a pass located in the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains, in the Marche region, in the province of Macerata, at 1,869 m asl. The pass connects the west and east sides of the main watershed ridge, connecting Frontignano and the western pastures of the Monte Bove massif with the upper Val Tenna and the Infernaccio. It is one of the lowest points, despite being at 1869 meters, of the magnificent Sibillini ridgeline.

Piani Di Castelluccio

Piani Di Castelluccio

6.41km from Monte Argentella

The plain of Castelluccio It occupies the bottom of an old Apennine lake in the surroundings of the town of Castelluccio de Nursia, currently dry, known for its karst phenomena. The plain is famous for the Fiorite, that is to say, the impressive flowering phenomenon that colors the plain between the end of May and the beginning of July and which represents an incomparable natural spectacle.

Eremo di San Leonardo al Volubrio

Eremo di San Leonardo al Volubrio

7.53km from Monte Argentella

The hermitage of San Leonardo al Volubrio is an ancient monastery built in the heart of the Gole dell'Infernaccio, on the Sibillini Mountains in the municipality of Montefortino, in the Province of Fermo, in the Marche region. Today only a small church remains of the original structure, rebuilt on the pre-existing remains by the Capuchin friar Armando Lavini, better known as Father Pietro, who, starting from the 1970s, undertook the renovation work alone and with inadequate equipment.

Gola dell'Infernaccio

Gola dell'Infernaccio

7.54km from Monte Argentella

The gorges of the Infernaccio are natural gorges carved by the Tenna river between Monte Priora and Monte Sibilla, in the Sibillini Mountains. Included in the municipal area of Montefortino, in the Sibillini National Park, they are among the most evocative gorges of the Umbrian-Marche Apennines. A very popular destination for excursions and tourist walks, probably one of the most popular in the Sibillini Mountains, thanks to a relatively simple access route and almost within everyone's reach.

Forca di Presta

Forca di Presta

7.76km from Monte Argentella

Forca di Presta is a road crossing of the Umbrian-Marche Apennines, located at 1,550 m asl, on the Sibillini mountains, at the foot of Mount Vettore, dividing the territory of the province of Ascoli Piceno, from that of the province of Perugia. It is one of the most characteristic and famous mountain places of the Ascoli province, deserving of particular landscape attention, as well as one of the access points to the Piani di Castelluccio.

Pizzo Berro

Pizzo Berro

7.83km from Monte Argentella

The Pizzo Berro is a mountain located in the central part of the group of Sibillini. Administratively it is located on the border between the municipalities of Montefortino, Ussita and Castelsantangelo sul Nera, and has been controlled since 1993 by the Sibillini National Park. It is one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the entire Group, surrounded by the Tenna Valley to the south, the Ambro Valley to the East and the Panico Valley to the west.

Monte Priora

Monte Priora

8.34km from Monte Argentella

The Monte Priora is the second mountain's highest mountain chain of Monti Sibillini after the group of Mount Carrier, administratively located in the municipality of land Montefortino and controlled since 1993 by the Sibillini National Park. The peak is also called Pizzo Della Regina, as it occurs in the oral tradition and is also reported by IGM. One of the nice trekking destinations and also a picturesque spot.

Monte Bove

Monte Bove

9.63km from Monte Argentella

The Mount Bove (2,169 m asl ) is a mountain located in the north-central part of the chain of Sibillini . Bordered to the north by the gorge of the Ussita stream , to the south it overlooks the Vallinfante valley and connects with the ridge line of the mountain group with the Passo Cattivo , to the east it overlooks the wild Val di Panico and to the west the valley of the Ussita and on the hamlets of the homonymous town.

Pizzo Tre Vescovi

Pizzo Tre Vescovi

10.55km from Monte Argentella

The Punta Tre Vescovi is a mountain of the Biella Alps. It is located between Valle del Lys, Valsesia, and Valle Cervo and affects the municipality of Gaby, that of Rassa and an administrative island of the municipality of Andorno Micca. The mountain represents an important orographic node because of the ridges that delimit the basin of the Cervo stream branch off from it. It has an evident peak at an altitude of 2,482 m about 300 m east of the culminating point, in the direction of the Bocchet

Shrine Church of the Madonna of Ambro - Montefortino - Fermo - Italy

The sanctuary of the Madonna del Lambro is a religious building of Marian worship, located in the municipality of Montefortino, in the Sibillini Mountains. It is the second most important sanctuary in the Marches, preceded only by that of Loreto. The sanctuary rises along the course of the Ambro torrent, at an altitude of 683 meters above sea level, dominated by the high rocky walls of the Sibillini Mountains: towards the north rise the rocks of Balzo Rosso.

Monte Castel Manardo

Monte Castel Manardo

12.38km from Monte Argentella

The Monte Castel Manardo is a mountain dell ' central Apennines, part of the Monti Sibillini chain in Marche. The south side is included in the municipalities of Amandola and Montefortino, while the north side in those of Sarnano and Bolognola. The mountain is partly under the control of the Sibillini National Park, with the exception of the whole part included in the municipal territory of Sarnano, which also includes the summit.

Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini

Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini

15.63km from Monte Argentella

The Monti Sibillini National Park is a national park that protects the natural environment of the mountain massif of the same name, extending between the regions of Marche and Umbria, divided into four provinces and managed by the relevant body based in Visso. It covers an area of ​​approximately 71,437 hectares, on mainly mountainous terrain.

Sanctuary of Macereto - Macerata - Visso - Macereto

The sanctuary of Macereto is a religious complex that rises to a height of about 1000 meters above sea level on the plateau of the same name on the western side of the Sibillini Mountains, in the municipal area of Visso, in the Marche region. In the vicinity of which once stood the castle of the counts of Fiastra. It was declared a national monument in 1902. It is one of the greatest expressions of Renaissance architecture of the 16th century in the Marche.

Pizzo Meta

Pizzo Meta

17.74km from Monte Argentella

The Lace Mèta is one of 'mountains of the central Apennines, located in the northernmost part of the Monti Sibillini chain in Marche. Administratively it is included in the municipal area of Sarnano, in the province of Macerata. Pizzo di Meta is the highest point among the peaks making up the northern part of the Sibillini chain. The summit can be reached from the Piani di Ragnòlo via a short path which is the simplest and most immediate way.

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Know more about Monte Argentella

Monte Argentella

Monte Argentella

Monte Argentella, 06046 Norcia, Province of Perugia, Italy

Mount Argentella is a mountain located on the border between Marche and Umbria, between the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Perugia in the Sibillini National Park. The summit of 2200 m asl rises along the main watershed constituted by the ridge that joins Monte Carrier and Monte Sibilla, and that divides the Piani di Castelluccio to the west from the Pilato valley to the east. Along this ridge also rise the Monte Palazzo Borghese and Monte Porche to the north, and the Cima del Redentore to the s