Vayalada Viewpoint

Visit details

Created by


Albin Varghese

Visited on Jul 2017

It takes 46 minutes to travel from Calicut to Vayalada View Point. Approximate driving distance between Calicut and Vayalada View Point is 39 kms or 24.2 miles or 21.1 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 Mile is about 1609 metres. 1 Nautical Mile is exactly 1852 meters. You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip.  Nice place to visit during early morning or evening. You get a full view of Kakkayam catchment area.Sunset here is one of the must do thing. Adventurous trekking through a lot of off-road ( two whaler is preferable) with three view point, in which we can experience majestic view of Kakkayam Dam. Approx 1 km walk through meadow with 1m-2m tall grass land to the last peak with fantastic cool climate. Lot of small waterfalls in the way to peak. Exclusively for nature and adventure lovers only.  It is better to avoid visiting this place during the rainy season as the rocks are more slippery. Wear appropriate footwear when hiking towards the waterfall (no sandals, no bare feet) rocks might be slippery.

Location of Vayalada Viewpoint
