4 Adventure Sports - Other to Explore in Philippines

Checkout places to visit in Philippines


The Philippines, island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago consisting of some 7,100 islands and islets lying about 500 miles off the coast of Vietnam.

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Adventure Sports - Other to Explore in Philippines

Cabilao Island

It lies in the western portion of the main island in the middle of the vast Cebu Strait. One of the smaller Philippine Islands, it has an approximate 8 square kilometers, laid-back lifestyle and a peaceful community. It was one of the renowned tourist centers in this area and it has three known dive spots that put this island on the list of the possible Bohol tourist destinations. Scuba diving and snorkeling around this island is so much rewarding.

CamSur Watersports Complex

This world-class water sports complex aims to bring wakeboarding, cable skiing, and other tow sports to a whole new level with its top-of-the-line facilities and refreshing environment. At CamSur Watersports Complex, speedboats are out—instead, you’ll be pulled by an overhead cable ski system that runs counterclockwise around the lake at speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour.

La Mesa Nature Reserve

La Mesa Nature Reserve is called the lungs of Metro Manila because it absorbs around 3% of the total carbon emission of the metropolis. The reserve is home to La Mesa Dam, Metro Manila’s main source of drinking water. It offers activities such as trekking, trail running, mountain biking , birdwatching, tree walking , and tree planting and so more.

Panam Pangan Island

Panampangan Island is an island in the municipality of Sapa-Sapa, Tawi-Tawi. With an area of 0.1 square kilometres. It is located inside Basibuli Shoal, to which its sandbar extends to 3,128.37 metres. It is considered as the longest sandbar in the Philippines and is characterized with the fine white sand beach in the Sulu Archipelago.

Map of Adventure Sports - Other to explore in Philippines