2 Adventure Sports - Other to Explore in Malaysia

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One of 17 megadiverse countries, home to large numbers of endemic species.

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Adventure Sports - Other to Explore in Malaysia

Mount Tahan

Mount Tahan, at 2,187 m, is the highest point in Peninsular Malaysia. It is located within the Taman Negara national forest, in the state of Pahang. The mountain is part of the Tahan Range in the Tenasserim Hills and is popular with local climbers.

Teluk Cempedak

Teluk Cempedak or Teluk Chempedak (literally : Cempedak Bay) also known as Palm Beach is a beach in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. It is located 5 kilometres east from the town centre in Kuantan. The white sandy beach and casuarinas and pine trees line the coast, with some rocky promontories facing the South China Sea.

Map of Adventure Sports - Other to explore in Malaysia