Bakong Temples - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting

Hindu Temples

About Bakong Temples

The Bakong is the first of the large mountain temples in Angkor. It belongs to the Roluos group, build at the end of the 9th century. The Bakong and the other temples of the Roluos group, like the Preah Ko and the Lolei were build in Hariharalaya, an early capital of the Khmer empire. This area is now called Roluos, located North of Tonle Sap lake, about 15 kilometers East of Siem Reap.

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Attractions Near Bakong Temples

Preah Ko

Preah Ko

0.95km from Bakong Temples

Preah Ko is one of the four temples which make up the Roluos Group, the other three being Bakong, Lolei, and Prasat Prei Monti. It’s one of the oldest temples built during the Khmer empire and predates Angkor Wat by a few hundred years. The temple was built under the Khmer King Indravarman I in 879 to honor members of the king's family, whom it places in relation to the Hindu deity Shiva.

Lolei Temple

Lolei Temple

1.88km from Bakong Temples

Prasat Lolei is an island temple built in 893 by King Yasovarman I, to honor his ancestors. The temple was constructed on an artificial island in the Indratataka baray, a vast water reservoir measuring nearly 4 kilometers long and 750 meters wide. The baray, now dry, was dug out for irrigation purposes and as a source of drinking water for the capital.

Banteay Samre

Banteay Samre

11.93km from Bakong Temples

Banteay Samre was built in the distinctive Angkor Wat style of construction and art and is a large, relatively low-rise temple. It was built around the same time as Angkor Wat, and the influence can be seen in the towers and railings which strongly resemble the towers of its larger and more famous cousin.

Prasat Kravan

Prasat Kravan

12.32km from Bakong Temples

Prasat Kravan is a 10th-century Hindu temple which was originally dedicated to Vishnu. There are five brick towers that are oriented to the east and surrounded by a small moat. Unusually, the temple wasn’t built by the king, instead, it was constructed by high ranking officials during the reign of King Harshavarman I or Ishanavarman II. Prasat Kravan is in pretty good condition and its symmetry and lines make for a great photo opportunity.

Pre Rup

Pre Rup

12.46km from Bakong Temples

The Pre Rup was the state temple of King Rajendravarman II. It is a mountain temple built in the year 961, located just south of the large East Baray and the East Mebon, another mountain temple build by Rajendravarman II just 9 years earlier. In the early 20th century the Pre Rup had been completely overgrown and covered with soil. The temple was excavated during the 1930s and now it is one of the prime attractions in Cambodia.

Angkor National Museum

Angkor National Museum

12.83km from Bakong Temples

Angkor National Museum is a must-visit attraction in Siem Reap if you’re looking to learn about the ancient Khmer civilization and Angkorian temples. Located along with Charles de Gaulle Boulevard, this 2-story museum houses 8 galleries with over 1,000 artifacts that are categorized according to era, religion, and royalty.

Discover More Attractions in Siem Reap Province, Home of Bakong Temples

Siem Reap Province

Siem Reap Province

38 attractions

Best known as the site of Angkor and the Angkor Wat temple ruins, UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Location of Bakong Temples


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