Horsterwold - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting


About Horsterwold

The Horsterwold is a young forest near Zeewolde that is approximately 3700 hectares in size and borders the Nuldernauw . This forest is not only the largest deciduous forest in the Netherlands , it is also special because it is a forest on clay soil . The growth of trees is spectacular because acid rain has no effect on this environment and because the soil is very fertile.

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Hotels to stay near Horsterwold


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Activities Around

Attractions Near Horsterwold



9.32km from Horsterwold

The Harderbroek is a nature reserve that was created in 1974 in the municipality of Zeewolde as a swamp and pond area. The area is 187 hectares and is managed by the Vereniging Natuurmonumenten . It is located opposite Harderwijk , sandwiched between the Knardijk and the Ganzenweg , and borders the Randmeer Wolderwijd . The Harderbos stretches out on the other side of the Ganzenweg.



9.78km from Horsterwold

The Flevoland tulip fields will blossom again in April. Tulpenroute Dronten will also start in this month. The preparations are now in full swing; They are working hard to expand the different routes.This year tulip lovers from the Netherlands and abroad can admire the colorful fields walking, cycling and from the car. Tulpenroute Dronten is working even more closely with initiators in Zeewolde and Lelystad from this year on. ‘We are strengthening each other.

The Green Cathedral, Marinus Boezem 1987

In 1987 Marinus Boezem planted 178 Lombardy poplars on a knoll near Almere in the Dutch province of Flevoland.Now grown to maturity, the trees form a living replica of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Reims, France, 150 meters long, 75 meters wide, and 30 meters tall. It now hosts weddings, funerals, and religious services, but Boezem is already planning for the future — a second clearing is being prepared nearby so that as the poplars decline a cathedral of beeches will take its place.

De Kluut

De Kluut

12.43km from Horsterwold

De Kluut Island is located in the middle of the Veluwemeer, on the border between Gelderland and Flevoland, and is 4 hectares in size. On the island there are tall trees, reed palms, dense undergrowth with open spaces here and there. The harbor is generally calm and is spacious and open. The Veluwemeer can be admired over the reed. There is a tipi campsite on the west side of the island, which is why the Kluut is also called the tipi island . The camping site is not accessible to port guests.

Stadslandgoed de Kemphaan

Stadslandgoed de Kemphaan

15.01km from Horsterwold

Stadslandgoed de Kemphaan is a park in Almere that consists of various nature initiatives, including a farm, a walking area, a nature information center and park landscapes. A building with modern architecture and use of natural materials was also built, which, in addition to office space, also houses catering. The estate was set up to give the population of Almere the opportunity to get acquainted with nature.

Almere Jungle

Almere Jungle

15.02km from Horsterwold

Almere Jungle is an animal shelter and education center in the municipality of Almere and was founded in 1996. There is mainly shelter for small mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and insects. It was set up as a sheltered workshop and had more than 70 participants in 2016. The animals are taken care of as much as possible by the participants who are assisted by professional guides. In addition to animal care, clients are active in the hospitality industry, technology, shops and landscaping.

Discover More Attractions in Flevoland, Home of Horsterwold



59 attractions

Flevoland is the 12th and youngest province of the Netherlands, established in 1986. There are national parks to visit, modern Dutch cities to explore, a few older villages and even a lot of beautiful tulip fields to go to. For the rollercoaster fans, there is also a Dutch themepark that will make you very happy.The capital of Flevoland is Lelystad and the province Flevoland has around 400.000 people.

Location of Horsterwold


For more information about Horsterwold, visit: https://www.visitflevoland.nl/en/see/new-nature/horsterwold

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