D54 - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting

Man-made Structures - Other

Old Ruins

About D54

Dolmen D54 is located outside Havelte on the Havelterberg in the Dutch province of Drenthe . The hunebed is located south of the Hunebedweg, a side road of the Van Helomaweg. It is located on a small sandy plain surrounded by grass. The hunebed has six capstones , four of which rest completely on the supporting stones . The easternmost capstone is missing, as is the keystone below. On the western side are three keystones.

Hotels near D54

Hotels to stay near D54

Activities Around

Attractions Near D54

Butterfly paradise Papiliorama

The indoor tropical garden Papiliorama is a paradise for lovers of butterflies and tropical plants. The beautifully colored butterflies come from around the world and find their food in the tropical flowers. The butterfly garden is more than 900 square meter.



2.24km from D54

Holtingerveld is a Natura 2000 area in the Dutch province of Drenthe . Before 2013, it was referred to as Havelte-East. The Holtingerveld is not a national park, but together with the national parks Dwingelderveld and Drents-Friese Wold it forms the natural and cultural landscape of the Drents-Friese border region.

Taman Indonesia Zoo

Taman Indonesia Zoo

2.61km from D54

The Indonesian Garden and zoo is a small royal garden in Kallenkote, Steenwijkerland , Overijssel , the Netherlands . The zoo has an Indonesian theme and also specializes in Indonesian animals, especially birds, such as Balinese birds, small mammals such as binturung , kuwuk cats , and mongooses . Here there are more than 50 species of birds.At this royal garden cafe, guests can buy Indonesian food snacks like ta lumpia and lapis legit.



3.66km from D54

The Havelterberg is a hill with heather on the Holtingerveld northwest of Havelte. It is part of the arc -shaped moraine complex of Steenwijk, on which the Woldberg is also located. This moraine complex was created during the penultimate ice age , the Saalian.

Museum De Koloniehof

Museum De Koloniehof

6.38km from D54

The De Koloniehof museum is a memorial museum dedicated to the work of the Society of Benevolence , which founded various colonies in the then United Kingdom of the Netherlands in the first half of the 19th century as part of the fight against poverty. The museum shows the history of the origin of the colonies in Drenthe and Overijssel and the life of the settlers.



8.08km from D54

Woldberg is a striking hill in the flat Steenwijkerland just north of Steenwijk . The hill is largely wooded. Together with De Eese , the De Woldberg forest area is part of the Steenwijkerwold management unit of Staatsbosbeheer.There are also two fens in the forest area. In the past peat was extracted here. Plants such as Waterdrieblad grow here.The hill is clearly visible at the Steenwijk-Noord exit of the A32 , where you drive right along the hill.

Discover More Attractions in Drenthe, Home of D54



54 attractions

Drenthe is a province of the Netherlands located in the northeastern part of the country. The oldest remains of settlements in Holland were found in this province: the mysterious hune beds. But Drenthe also boasts varied natural landscapes: peat swamps, heathlands, and sand drifts. In short, Drenthe is well worth a visit.

Location of D54


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