Black Down - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting

1 Day Treks

Mountain Peaks

About Black Down

Black Down is the highest summit in the Mendip Hills of north Somerset, and lies at the centre of the largest area of open, unfenced moorland in the county. The summit is marked by several ancient burial mounds, or burrows, and it may be reached by paths from various directions, the shortest route just 0.7 miles. The shortest route of ascent goes from the Burrington Combe car park and is approximately 1 km long.

Hotels near Black Down

Hotels to stay near Black Down


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Activities Around

Attractions Near Black Down

Cheddar Gorge

Cheddar Gorge

3.08km from Black Down

Cheddar Gorge, which is located on the edge of the village, is the largest gorge in the United Kingdom.[44] The gorge is the site of the Cheddar Caves, where Cheddar Man was found in 1903. This world-famous site is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which reveals many hidden secrets including fascinating stories of our prehistoric ancestors.

Gough's Cave

Gough's Cave

3.69km from Black Down

Gough's Cave is located in Cheddar Gorge on the Mendip Hills, in Cheddar, Somerset, England. The cave is 115 m deep and is 3.405 km long, and contains a variety of large chambers and rock formations. It contains the Cheddar Yeo, the largest underground river system in Britain. Palaeolithic caves and rock shelters provide some of the earliest evidence of human activity in the period from about 400,000 to 10,000 years ago.

West Mendip Way

West Mendip Way

4.36km from Black Down

West Mendip Way is a dramatic ridge route cutting West to East over the Mendip Hills, a designated ‘Area of outstanding Natural Beauty’ that bridges the full variety of the rich landscape of Somerset. It climbs the Mendip escarpment affording views over the Somerset Levels. It then crosses the central Mendip plateau leading down to Cheddar Gorge and on to Wells.The western trailhead of the Limestone Link is within 2 kilometres of the Mendip Way near Shipham.

Cheddar Reservoir

Cheddar Reservoir

5.6km from Black Down

Cheddar Reservoir is an artificial reservoir in Somerset, England, operated by Bristol Water. It has a capacity of 135 million gallons. The reservoir is supplied with water taken from the Cheddar Yeo river in Cheddar Gorge. It is roughly circular in shape, and surrounded by large earth banks which are grazed by sheep.

Chew Valley Lake

Chew Valley Lake

8.98km from Black Down

Chew Valley Lake often attracts rare birds, including osprey, the scarcer grebes, and an American wader or duck appears most years. Itt is renowned for its scenic beauty and top-quality fly fishing. It often attracts rare birds, including osprey, the scarcer grebes, and an American wader or duck appears most years.

Ebbor Gorge National Nature Reserve

A heavily wooded gorge on the western edge of the Mendip Hills, Ebbor nature reserve offers excellent walks through ash woods and a superb view out over the Somerset Levels. The 41 ha reserve is cleft by two steep-sided valleys. The site was occupied by humans in the Neolithic Era and their tools and flint arrow heads have been discovered, along with pottery from the Bronze Age. There are also fossils of small mammals from the Late Devensian.

Discover More Attractions in Somerset, Home of Black Down



87 attractions

Somerset covers a vast area of land in the south-west of England, from the rolling Blackdown Hills on the Somerset-Devon border, to the Mendips and Quantocks south of Bristol, and finishing in the west with the Exmoor National Park. To the north is Bath and North-East Somerset, which although administered separately, nonetheless feel like part and parcel of this English county.

Location of Black Down


For more information about Black Down, visit:,_Somerset

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