20 Attractions to Explore Near National Museum of Castle Pandone

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Lago di Gallo

Lago di Gallo

16.34km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The Gallo lake is an artificial lake on the border between Italy and Switzerland; at the southern end of the lake is the town of Livigno. A small part of the northern end of the lake is in Swiss territory and in this point there is the dam built by the Swiss hydroelectric company Engadiner Kraftwerke AG, therefore half in Swiss territory and a half in Italian territory.

Lago di Castel San Vincenzo

Lago di Castel San Vincenzo

18.07km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The lake of Castel San Vincenzo is an artificial reservoir built in the late fifties for hydroelectric purposes. The lake occupies an area of6,140 km² and has a useful capacity of 10 million cubic meters. The waters that feed the lake come mainly from the streams of the Montagna Spaccata in the nearby municipalities of Alfedena and Barrea. Near the lake, where it is possible to engage in fishing and other water sports, there is an area equipped for camping and a riding stable.

San Vincenzo al Volturno

San Vincenzo al Volturno

18.41km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

Abbazia di San Vincenzo al Volturno is famous for its cycle of 9th-century frescoes by Epifanio in the crypt. The original monastery was sacked and burned by the Saracens in 881 and subsequently rebuilt on the opposite side of the river. It was founded in the 8th century. The current monastery, housing a group of 8 benedictin nuns, is located to the east of the river, while the archaeological monastery of the early Middle Ages was located on the west.

Cattedrale di Isernia - San Pietro Apostolo

Cattedrale di Isernia - San Pietro Apostolo

18.93km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The Cathedral of San Pietro Apostolo is the most important building of Catholic worship in the city of Isernia, the mother church of the diocese of Isernia-Venafro and the seat of the parish of the same name. It is located in Piazza Andrea d'Isernia, in the historic center of the city and stands on an ancient Italic pagan temple of the third century BC; its present appearance is the result of numerous interventions, carried out both after the numerous earthquakes and following the building's ren

Fontana della Fraterna

Fontana della Fraterna

19.18km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The " Fontana Fraterna " is a public source and symbol of the city of Isernia. Listed by the Encyclopedia Treccani as one of the most beautiful in Italy, with six water jets, with the unusual shapes of a loggia, made with blocks of compact limestone, it is one of the most significant and important works of the town pentro.

Fontana Fraterna

Fontana Fraterna

19.18km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The " Fontana Fraterna " is a public source and symbol of the city of Isernia. Listed by the Encyclopedia Treccani as one of the most beautiful in Italy, with six water jets, with the unusual shapes of a loggia, made with blocks of compact limestone, it is one of the most significant and important works of the town pentro. In ancient times it stood in piazza Fraterna, in front of the church of the Concezione, but after the allied bombing in 1943, it was moved to piazza Celestino V, in the hear

Museo Civico della Memoria e della Storia

Museo Civico della Memoria e della Storia

19.18km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The House of Memory and History is an institution of the Municipality of Rome, a place of culture born with the intention of telling, knowing and sharing the memory and history of the twentieth century and of Rome. Associations that represent the historical memory of antifascism, of the Resistance, of the war of Liberation, of the memory of the events of the twentieth century and cultural institutes that have the purpose of reconstruction, conservation and promotion of this memory participate in

Basilica Minore dell'Addolorata di Castelpetroso

Basilica Minore dell'Addolorata di Castelpetroso

23.09km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The basilica sanctuary of Maria Santissima Addolorata, or simply the basilica dell'Addolorata is an important Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Castelpetroso, in the province of Isernia, and belonging to the archdiocese of Campobasso-Boiano.

Santuario di Maria Santissima Addolorata

Santuario di Maria Santissima Addolorata

23.1km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The basilica sanctuary of Maria Santissima Addolorata, or simply the basilica dell'Addolorata is an important Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Castelpetroso, in the province of Isernia, and belonging to the archdiocese of Campobasso-Boiano. According to the testimony of the visionaries, the Virgin Mary appeared for the first time on March 22, 1888, to two shepherdesses named Serafina and Bibiana in the locality of Cesa tra Santi, on the slopes of Mount Patalecchia.



27.11km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The Matese massif is a mountainous massif of the Samnite Apennines, included in two regions and four provinces. the history of this mountainous complex begins over 25 centuries ago by the first inhabitants of Italic origin, while the Greek colonists who, despite having such an impact on the populations of the plains, had little influence on the inhabitants of the Matese.

Monte Miletto

Monte Miletto

27.56km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

Monte Miletto is the highest peak of the Matese massif and the entire Appennino Sannita, the northernmost spur of the Southern Apennines. The Matese massif is enclosed by the valley of the Volturno river and the Molisan Pre- or Sub-Apennines. From the summit, the view goes over the Tribulani mountains, the Taburno Camposauro massif, Le Mainarde and, to the north-west, the peaks of the Majella massif.

Lago Vivo

Lago Vivo

27.67km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The lake Vivo is a lake located in the municipal territory of Barrea, in the province, at about 1590 meters above sea level. This lake is located within the Abruzzo National Park and is dominated by the peaks of Iamiccio, Tartaro, Altare and Petroso, which with its 2249 m represents the highest peak of the park. The southern bleak is among the fish species that live in the lake and deserve particular protection.

Campitello Matese

Campitello Matese

28.98km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

Campitello Matese is a fraction of the municipality of San Massimo, a renowned center of winter sports of ' Southern Italy. The mountain group is part of the Matese, a karst area with woods, caves, panoramas, fossils, and more. Various sports are practiced on these mountains, from skiing to mountain biking, rock climbing, up to paragliding.

Monte Petroso

Monte Petroso

29.35km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

Monte Petroso is the highest mountain of the National Park of Abruzzo in Central Italy. It is in the zone of integral protection. , located on the border between the' Abruzzo and Lazio in the Abruzzo National Park, Lazio, and Molise. One of the nice greenish locations in this area and it is also famous for its picturesque locations.

Matese lake

Matese lake

29.68km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The Matese Lake is the lake in nature karst higher d ' Italy, at the foot of Mount Miletto and Mount Gallinola in the mountain range of the Matese, in the municipalities of San Gregorio Matese and Castello del Matese in the province of Caserta. It has no tributaries but is filled with waters coming from the melting of the snows of Mount Miletto and Gallinola Matese and from some perennial springs.

Matese Regional Park

Matese Regional Park

30.17km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The Matese regional park is a protected natural area of Campania established by regional law n. 33 of 1993. It only came into operation in 2002. The park covers an area of ​​33,326.53 hectares. The park's territory mainly includes the Matese mountain massif. The highest limestone mountains are Mount Miletto (2050m asl), Mount Gallinola and Mount Mutria. The park takes its name from the Matese lake, while another important lake is that of Gallo with the park being crossed by two rivers: the Tite

Lago di Barrea

Lago di Barrea

31.25km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

Lake Barrea, is an artificial lake in the Province of L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy. It is located within the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise. The Sangro is its inflow and outflow. To its northwest is Villetta Barrea and to its southeast is Alfedena. To its north is Monte Greco.

Cascata delle Ninfe

Cascata delle Ninfe

31.95km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The waterfall of the Ninfe is part of a series of waterfalls of the Scerto stream, including the waterfall of the Tre Cannelle, which are located within the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise, in the integral nature reserve of Camosciara, among the municipalities of Civitella Alfedena and Pescasseroli. The waterfall is deeply embedded in the rocks due to the waters of the Scerto stream, which have a slight degree of acidity, and which flow on a bed of Dolomite rocks.

Castello d'Alessandro

Castello d'Alessandro

32.42km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The D'Alessandro Castle is a fortified structure in the municipality of Pescolanciano. The castle was built on the rocky spur (peach) that overlooks the inhabited area near a Samnite fortification. It was one of the iconic buildings in this area and also it attracts a lot of tourists.

Riserva Naturale Statale Montedimezzo

Riserva Naturale Statale Montedimezzo

33.27km from National Museum of Castle Pandone

The Montedimezzo Nature Reserve is a state nature reserve located in Molise, in the province of Isernia, and comprising about 300 hectares of the municipality of Vastogirardi. It is currently a reserve of international relevance, part of the UNESCO "Man and Biosphere" program. It is located in the heart of the Molise Apennines , and occupies the northern and western slopes of Mount La Penna, towards the watershed of the Vandra torrent, a minor tributary of the Volturno.

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Know more about National Museum of Castle Pandone

National Museum of Castle Pandone

National Museum of Castle Pandone

Via Tre Cappelle, 86079 Venafro IS, Italy

The National Museum of Castello Pandone is a state museum in Venafro. The museum's objective is to highlight the qualities of the Molise artistic testimonies starting from the general reconsideration of the center-periphery relationship in a historical perspective of complementarity. The itinerary is divided into two sections: the castle, a "museum of itself", with its urban, architectural and decorative values, and the exhibition on the second floor of frescoes, sculptures, canvases, drawings a