20 Attractions to Explore Near Spada Gallery

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Palazzo Farnese

Palazzo Farnese

0.12km from Spada Gallery

A majestic roman palace that serves as an important example of High Renaissance architecture. It was designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and built between 1517 and 1589. The 56 m façade, occupying the longer side of a spacious piazza, is three storeys tall and thirteen bays wide. It is built of brick with strong stone quoins and has a heavily rusticated portal.

Campo de' Fiori

Campo de' Fiori

0.16km from Spada Gallery

The Campo de’ Fiori is one of the main squares of Rome. It is lively both during the day; with its flower, fruit, and vegetable market, and by night; when the terraces are packed with people. It hosts a daily market each morning, with local produce, flowers and delicacies, and comes alive at night when throngs of young Romans gather here to drink at the many bars in the area. Learn about its unique history and how it came to be a bustling commercial area over time.

Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi

Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi

0.38km from Spada Gallery

A majestic museum in Rome that has a collection of paintings, photographs, etchings, clothes, and furniture, charting the history of Rome from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century. The collections initially included 120 water-colours by the nineteenth-century painter Ettore Roesler Franz of Roma sparita, "vanished Rome", later moved to the Museo di Roma in Trastevere.

Villa Farnesina

Villa Farnesina

0.39km from Spada Gallery

The Villa Farnesina in Rome, built in the early six¬teenth century for the rich sienese banker Agostino Chigi and now owned by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, is one of the noblest and most harmonious creations of the Italian Renaissance. Villa Farnesina masterfully represents the principles of classic balance, harmony and proportions belonging to the early Sixteenth century Rome.

Largo di Torre Argentina

Largo di Torre Argentina

0.43km from Spada Gallery

Largo di Torre Argentina is a square in Rome. The square has an important place in Rome’s historical heritage. Here you’ll find the remains of four temples and the Theatre and Curia of Pompey, where Julius Caesar was assassinated. The dramatic death of the general in 44 BC by a group of co-conspirators is a powerful example of treachery and power struggles. It is an important junction for all tourists visiting Rome.

Sant'Agnese in Agone

Sant'Agnese in Agone

0.52km from Spada Gallery

The fanciful church of Sant'Agnese in Agone is a Baroque blend of masters. The powerful Pamphili family built the structure on the site of an earlier medieval church, to display their prestige. Fronting the grand piazza, it's an impressive church and unmistakable. The church is a titular deaconry, with Gerhard Ludwig Müller being the current Cardinal-Deacon. As well as religious services, the church hosts regular classical concerts in the Borromini Sacristy, from sacred Baroque works to chamber

Fiumi Fountain

Fiumi Fountain

0.54km from Spada Gallery

The Fountain of the Four Rivers is also known as The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and is located in the Piazza Navona in Rome. The fountain was an important source of potable water for the locals before the days of indoor plumbing, but even more importantly it was a grandiose monument to the power and glory of the pope and his family.

Basilica of Our Lady in Trastevere

Basilica of Our Lady in Trastevere

0.56km from Spada Gallery

The Basilica of Our Lady in Trastevere is one of the oldest churches still standing in Rome. However, the majority of the building as we see it today was erected later, in the twelfth century AD. The inscription on the episcopal throne states that this is the first church in Rome dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus. The church has large areas of important mosaics from the late 13th century by Pietro Cavallini.

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona

0.56km from Spada Gallery

Piazza Navona is one of the largest and most beautiful piazza squares in Rome with three impressive fountains, including la Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi with its large obelisk at the center. The baroque church of Sant'Agnese in Agone provides an impressive backdrop. Defined as a public space in the last years of the 15th century, when the city market was transferred there from the Campidoglio, Piazza Navona was transformed into a highly significant example of Baroque Roman architecture.

Fontana di Nettuno

Fontana di Nettuno

0.63km from Spada Gallery

A beautiful fountain in Rome at the northern end of Piazza Navona. The monumental complex was designed in 1574 by Giacomo della Porta, who had also designed the basin of the Fontana del Moro. The work was sponsored by Pope Gregory XIII. The fountain was used as a washbasin for laundry and market goods as well. It bears an image of Neptune, god of the sea, fighting with an octopus together with the sea nymphs.

Tiber Island

Tiber Island

0.64km from Spada Gallery

The Tiber Island is almost 300 X 70 meters, which the Romans referred to as “inter duos pontes” between the two bridges. It seems most of its mass is owed to the formation of a sandbar, historically added to by the Romans, as an easier way to ford the Tiber River. The island is boat-shaped, approximately 270 meters wide, and has been connected with bridges to both sides of the river since antiquity.



0.64km from Spada Gallery

The Roman Pantheon is the monument with the greatest number of records: the best preserved, with the biggest brick dome in the history of architecture, and is considered the forerunner of all modern places of worship. It is the most copied and imitated of all ancient works. It was built in 27-25 BC by the magistrate Marcus Agrippa in order to commemorate the victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra in the battle of Actium. Later this original temple was burned down in 80 AD. It was then completely

St Maria Sopra Minerva Basilica

St Maria Sopra Minerva Basilica

0.66km from Spada Gallery

The basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is a basilica in Rome located in the Pigna district, in Piazza della Minerva, near the Pantheon. The basilica also houses the remains of Catherine of Siena, proclaimed Doctor of the Church in 1970, and of the mystical painter Beato Angelico, proclaimed "Universal Patron of Artists" in 1984, as well as a valuable fresco by Melozzo da Forlì.

Marcello Theater

Marcello Theater

0.71km from Spada Gallery

The theatre of Marcellus was the largest and most important theatre in Rome and completed in the late 1st century BCE during the reign of Augustus. The theatre had a capacity of between 15 to 20,500 spectators and its semicircular travertine façade originally had two tiers, each composed of 41 arches. Today its ancient edifice in the rione of Sant'Angelo, Rome, once again provides one of the city's many popular spectacles or tourist sites.

National Museum of the Palazzo di Venezia

National Museum of the Palazzo di Venezia is a museum, housed in the Venezia palace which houses paintings by artists such as Carlo Maratta, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Guido Reni, Pisanello, Benozzo Gozzoli, Fra Angelico, Giorgione , Giotto, sculptures, pottery, silverware, textiles, seals, medals, glass, tapestries. There are also works of art from Castel Sant'Angelo, the museum of the Collegio Romano or the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica.

Capitoline Museums

Capitoline Museums

0.89km from Spada Gallery

The Capitoline Museums are the main civic museum of the city of Rome. The historical seat is constituted by the Palazzo dei Conservatori and the Palazzo Nuovo. The two buildings are located on the Campidoglio Square remodeled following the design of Michelangelo and are linked by the Galleria Lapidaria, an underground passage that crosses the Campidoglio Square without having to go outside the museums.

Piazza Venezia

Piazza Venezia

0.9km from Spada Gallery

Piazza Venezia is a square in Rome located where four major roads meet. These roads are the Via del Corso, Via del Plebiscito, Via di Teatre Marcello and Via Dei Fori Imperiali. Through these four roads, Piazza Venezia is also known for its chaotic traffic. The piazza or square is at the foot of the Capitoline Hill and next to Trajan's Forum. The main artery, the Via di Fori Imperiali begins there and leads past the Roman Forum to the Colosseum.

Doria Pamphili Gallery

Doria Pamphili Gallery

0.9km from Spada Gallery

Doria Pamphili Gallery is a wonderful gallery that boasts one of Rome’s richest private art collections, with works by Raphael, Tintoretto, Titian, Caravaggio, Bernini and Velázquez, as well as several Flemish masters. The private collection of the Doria Pamphili family is on view in twelve, richly decorated, rooms arranged around the internal courtyard on the piano nobile of the palace. The palace also accommodates a large archive, open to researchers, with historical documents related to the D



0.91km from Spada Gallery

Campidoglio is also known as Monte Capitolino, is one of the seven hills on which Rome was founded. Its height is 48 m asl on the Arx, 35.9 m asl in the Asylum, and 44.7 m asl on the Capitolium proper. The Campidoglio is also the representative office of the municipality of Rome. According to the historian Tacitus, the Campidoglio, as well as the underlying Roman Forum, were added to the square Rome of Romulus by Tito Tazio.

Belvedere del Gianicolo

Belvedere del Gianicolo

0.91km from Spada Gallery

The Janiculum is a Roman hill, overlooking the right bank of the Tiber, whose maximum height is 88 meters, not included in the group of seven traditional hills. The eastern slope slopes down towards the river and at the base is the historic district of Trastevere, while the western one, less steep, is the oldest part of the modern district of Monteverde; to the south-west of the hill is Villa Doria Pamphili, while on its eastern slopes are the botanical gardens of Rome and the Regina Coeli priso

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Spada Gallery

Spada Gallery

Piazza Capo di Ferro, 13, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

The Spada Gallery is housed in the 16th century Capodiferro Palace, which is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and representative buildings of Mannerist architecture in the city of Rome. The Gallery has four rooms and a beautiful collection of Baroque paintings created during the 17th century by Cardinals Bernardino and Fabrizio Spada.